Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602


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Walk With Seth

Starr and Daniel’s Story

Starr and Daniel’s Story Do you ever get used to hearing stories of young people facing abuse in their homes, of being displaced, of running away, and of facing homelessness? I certainly don’t, and I hear these stories every day at The Relatives. 50% of the young people The Relatives serves have had an interaction […]

Make Transformational Change

Our Young People Need Relatives Like You! Together we can wrap our arms around the most vulnerable members of our community and make transformational change, one life at a time.

Spring Giving Campaign

Thank you for providing security and guidance to young people in crisis! Your gift is so meaningful and so necessary to the youth and young adults who rely on The Relatives for relief, acceptance, and empowerment. Thank you for being a Relative. We are truly grateful for your support. You can also send a check […]

Year End Giving

Give, Receive, and Grow with The Relatives!  Can a holiday gift provide relief, acceptance, and empowerment to youth and young adults in crisis? Yes, it can!   Making a tax-deductible gift to The Relatives in honor of someone special is a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday season!   Please fill out the donation form below. After […]

The Relatives Annual Report

  To view this year’s Annual Report click the following link:   To view Annual Reports from previous years click the following links: The Relatives Annual Report 2022 The Relatives Annual Report 2021 The Relatives Annual Report 2020 The Relatives Annual Report 2019 The Relatives Annual Report 2018 The Relatives Annual Report 2017  

Health & Safety Guidelines

Health and Safety  Due to the Community Mental Health Center (CMS) mandate on vaccinations, all on-site volunteers are required to show proof of COVID vaccination. The Relatives can host a maximum of 4 volunteers indoors and 6 volunteers outdoors at the Crisis Center at one time. For family or group volunteer opportunities at the Crisis […]

November 2022 eNews

I am grateful my husband and I were able to provide our children with a safe place to call home. For too many kids, though, housing insecurity is their normal. Youth who run away experience negative health and education outcomes: Running away from home once decreases the likelihood that a youth will graduate from high […]

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Donations Thank you for your interest in supporting our youth and young adults with an in-kind donation. The Relatives relies on the generosity of people just like you to help supply the young people we serve with basic necessities.   Every young person served by The Relatives is treated with dignity and compassion. To ensure […]

July 2022 eNews

What’s your favorite summer memory? Maybe you went away to camp and, after your initial bout of homesickness, relished your time there. Or maybe your family had a favorite vacation spot, a place you visited year after year. Or, like so many of us, did you simply enjoy taking a break from homework? For me, […]

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  • Support Us

    For young people in crisis, The Relatives steps in where no one else can. With a 50-year history, The Relatives is unmatched in finding solutions for the countless challenges that confront the youth they serve. Supporting The Relatives means you are giving relief in place of despair, acceptance in place of rejection and empowerment in place of hopelessness

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