Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602

The Relatives Family Meal

We are so glad you are interested in joining us for a Family Meal. This is a special opportunity to see The Relatives’ programs first-hand, connect with other community members supporting our work, and hear truly inspiring stories from Relatives staff members working directly with our young people.

The Family Meal is an interactive experience with The Relatives and lasts 90 minutes. Guests are invited to learn more about our work  and engagement opportunities, then share a meal with our youth.

Lunch generously provided by Chef Sam Hart and the team at Counter-

Do you represent an organization interested in partnering with The Relatives? Please register for a Meet The Relatives Orientation Tour by clicking here.

Please join us for a Family Meal by RSVPing below:



The Relatives Family Meal would not be possible without the partnership and generosity of our in-kind sponsor: