Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602

Give, Receive, and Grow with The Relatives! 

Can a holiday gift provide relief, acceptance, and empowerment to youth and young adults in crisis? Yes, it can!  

Making a tax-deductible gift to The Relatives in honor of someone special is a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday season!  

Please fill out the donation form below. After you’ve securely made your gift, you will receive an email acknowledgement with a link to a tribute card you can print and give as a gift this holiday season. 

Questions? Please reach out to Philanthropy Manager, Nick Stewart, at nstewart@therelatives.org or 704.501.8243. 

  • Support Us

    For young people in crisis, The Relatives steps in where no one else can. With a 50-year history, The Relatives is unmatched in finding solutions for the countless challenges that confront the youth they serve. Supporting The Relatives means you are giving relief in place of despair, acceptance in place of rejection and empowerment in place of hopelessness

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