Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602


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Seth’s Remarkable Journey

Seth’s Remarkable Journey What would you do to escape from crisis? For Seth it meant walking for 3 days and 125 miles. He was running from an abusive home, he was alone, and he was 17 years old. I want to tell you about this remarkable young man and how Relatives, like you, walked beside […]

Power 98 Radiothon

Power 98 Radiothon The Relatives serves youth and young adults experiencing crisis. Walk beside the most vulnerable members of our community by making your gift today through the Power 98 Radiothon. Your generosity may be recognized on-air. If you would prefer not to be recognized, then please select the Anonymous gift option in the giving […]

Rooted For The Future

Rooted For The Future Every child needs to feel rooted for the future, to have their dreams nurtured, and their spirits tended. Too often, though, young people become uprooted by despair, rejection, and helplessness. They see their hopes wilt beneath the weight of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. At Breakfast with The Relatives, CeCe told you about […]

Breakfast With The Relatives Post Event Giving 2023

You Can Help Young People in Crisis become Rooted For The Future

Youth Crisis Center Meals

Youth Crisis Center Meals Thank you for your interest in walking with the young people staying at The Relatives Youth Crisis Center. All Youth Crisis Center volunteers are required to complete a volunteer orientation. You can RSVP using the link below:   The Relatives invites you to create your volunteer profile to view opportunities that […]

Make Special Holiday Experiences Possible!

Holiday Party With a Purpose

Walk with CeCe by giving your holiday party a purpose. 16 years ago, CeCe walked up to The Relatives door at 3:00 a.m. She had been abandoned by her abusive mother and was terrified. CeCe received the help she needed at the Youth Crisis Center and, today, walks with youth in crisis as The Relatives […]

#GivingTuesday 2023

Walk With Chasidy through #GivingTuesday Chasidy just walked through the door of her new apartment. At the age of 22, this will be the first stable home Chasidy has ever known. Like any young person settling into their first home, Chasidy will need some help as she works towards stability. Walk with Chasidy and the […]

Amazon Holiday Wishlist 2023

Walk with Kayla by shopping the Amazon Holiday Wishlist Kayla needs a new pair of shoes and warm clothes for the upcoming winter months and would like a new phone case and some makeup. Kayla is currently living in her car and needs basic essentials as she works towards stability and independence.  Walk with Kevin […]

2023 Holiday Volunteer Needs

Walk With Hayden By Volunteering Hayden walks into The Relatives every day determined to achieve his goals. Hayden loves to dance, has a great relationship with staff, and truly enjoys interacting with our volunteers. You can walk with Hayden by providing critical volunteer support to The Relatives this holiday season. Create a Welcoming Holiday Experience […]

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    For young people in crisis, The Relatives steps in where no one else can. With a 50-year history, The Relatives is unmatched in finding solutions for the countless challenges that confront the youth they serve. Supporting The Relatives means you are giving relief in place of despair, acceptance in place of rejection and empowerment in place of hopelessness

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