Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602

The Relatives Family Update

Please ensure you scroll down to read all of the recent stories in this newsletter.

Summer lunches in my childhood home usually consisted of chips, juice, and a hot dog or chips, juice, and a turkey sandwich. While the turkey sandwich wasn’t especially controversial, a hot dog could provoke a heated argument between me and my sister.

Every summer, without fail, whenever lunchtime rolled around my sister and I would engage in our ongoing debate about the best way to cook a hot dog.

I’ve always liked my hot dogs boiled. My sister, on the other hand, wanted her hot dog microwaved. A turkey sandwich, however, could always be counted on to provide lunch as well as peace.

There’s nothing special about cold cuts or hot dogs, but they always remind me of childhood summers. Isn’t it funny how so many of our happy memories are tied to food? For the young people at The Relatives, meals provide more than just nourishment. They help provide comfort during a difficult time.

Summers at The Relatives are busy. We see an increase of young adults at the On Ramp Resource Center and, with school over for the year, the Youth Crisis Center needs additional help at lunchtime.

You can provide young people experiencing crisis with nourishment, comfort, and a happy memory during these hot summer days. Please visit our calendar of upcoming needs and opportunities to see how you can help feed our youth this summer.

Thank you for being a Relative.

Trish Hobson
Executive Director

Job Forecast Cloudy? All You Need Is Sunshine!

If you’ve met The Relatives’ Employment Readiness Specialist Katie Spence, then you know the word “sunshine” aptly describes her infectious energy. Katie’s resume even says as much! Katie wanted

The Relatives to know she could think creatively when letting local employers know who our young adults are and the skills they bring to the workforce.

Your support allows Katie and The Relatives staff to help young people in crisis reach their employment goals.

“I love connecting our young adults with job opportunities,” says Katie, “so many of the young people we serve just need to know someone is rooting for them and that’s just one of the services The Relatives provides to young people looking to create a stable future for themselves.”

Whether it’s by using AI-tools for resume building and personal summaries, doing a mock-interview and prep session, or providing a car ride to the interview, The Relatives helps young people put their best foot forward as they begin making strides towards a brighter future.

Are you a local employer interested in giving young people in crisis a hand-up? If so, then Katie would love to hear from you!

You + Food + Summer = Happiness For Our Youth

Are you an average chef? A grilling guru? Have you mastered the art of DoorDash and Uber Eats?

Whatever your level of culinary skill, there’s a way for you to be a Relative to youth and young adults experiencing crisis.

Help The Relatives nourish our youth by providing a meal this summer. If you’re looking for inspiration, then check out our list of upcoming opportunities. They’re kid-tested and Relatives approved, but they won’t last long:

That’s What Friends – and Relatives – Are For! Friendship Day is August 6th and it’s a great opportunity to keep smiling, keep shining, and be a Relative to youth in crisis. Bring your friends and make new ones by providing a meal! Space is still available.

The S’mores the merrier! Did you know August 10th is National S’mores Day? Create a happy summer memory for the kids at the Crisis Center by preparing this campfire classic. Space is still available to celebrate National S’mores Day with youth on Saturday August 10th.

Save our bacon on August 20th with this savory Average Chef opportunity. Space is still available to make BLTs for the young people at The Relatives. You bring the can-do attitude and we’ll supply the rest!

Breakfast – it’s what’s for lunch and dinner! National Waffle Day is August 24th and you can help celebrate by providing a meal for our youth. Don’t waffle – this volunteer opportunity won’t last long!

National Eat Outside Day is August 31st and it’s a great opportunity to prepare a meal and dine al fresco with the youth at the Crisis Center. Charcuterie or typical picnic fare are perfect. Don’t let the sun set on this special opportunity!

To view additional needs and special opportunities please visit our volunteer event calendar.

Can You Help?

When a young person comes to The Relatives and begins working to create an independent future for themselves, there are many barriers.

Many of the young adults need help acquiring documents, such as social security cards and photo IDs, before they can even begin looking for a job.

That’s why the support of Relatives, like you, is so critical to a young person’s ability to succeed.

The Relatives also provides young adults with resume building and interview skills workshops, professional attire, on-site job fairs, as well as transportation.

The cost associated with helping move one young person towards stable employment is $31.75 a week. You can provide young people experiencing crisis with access to an empowered, stable future by making a gift today.

Save The Date – RSVP Details Coming Soon!

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  • Support Us

    For young people in crisis, The Relatives steps in where no one else can. With a 50-year history, The Relatives is unmatched in finding solutions for the countless challenges that confront the youth they serve. Supporting The Relatives means you are giving relief in place of despair, acceptance in place of rejection and empowerment in place of hopelessness

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