Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602

The Relatives Family Update

Please ensure you scroll down to read all of the recent stories in this newsletter.


What’s your favorite holiday tradition? Is it a favorite meal or is there a movie you always watch with friends or family? At The Relatives, we have our own favorites. Since you are part of our family, I invite you to share these traditions with me and make a connection with the young people we serve.

On Sunday December 10th from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., we’ll host our annual Caroling With The Relatives event. I would love for you, your friends, and your family to join us for this special event. It means a great deal to the young people at the Crisis Center. You can RSVP to Casey Field.

The young adults at the Resource Center will enjoy a holiday party with gifts, games, and special holiday treats on Friday December 15th. It’s something I look forward to every year! I hope you will consider making the holidays a happier time for our youth by helping set-up or shopping our Amazon Wishlist.

I am so grateful to everyone who has reached out to ask about our young people’s needs during the holiday season. The simple truth is they need you. This newsletter is filled with ways you can help the young people at The Relatives and, perhaps, create a new favorite holiday tradition.

Thank you for being a Relative and for giving our young people the happiness, joy, and love they need.

Trish Hobson
Executive Director


Caroling With The Relatives

“Be Merry & Make Memories”

Please join us this Sunday, December 10th for Caroling With The Relatives from 4 to 6 pm, starting at our crisis center house located at 1100 East Blvd, Charlotte NC 28203.

Please RSVP to Casey Field so that we have an accurate count for refreshments.


3 Ways to Walk Beside Our Young People This Holiday Season
Be a part of The Relatives’ holiday traditions by walking beside our young people:

  • Help make the holidays a happier more joyous time for the young people at the Resource Center by shopping our Amazon Holiday Wishlist. Shop now to ensure inclusion at the holiday party on Friday, December 15th.
  • Give relief, acceptance, and empowerment this holiday season by making a gift to support the most vulnerable members of our community – our youth!

Find your path as a volunteer by exploring upcoming needs and opportunities.

Holidays At The Relatives


Listen to Your Relatives!

Tune in to Power 98 today, Charlotte’s number one Hip Hop and R&B station, between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to hear stories about and interviews from the young people served by The Relatives. After all, it’s not every day your Relative is on the radio!

Click here to hear The Relatives on the radio!


The Giving Machine comes to Charlotte

The Relatives is thrilled to be a part of Charlotte-Mecklenburg’s first ever Light The World Giving Machine, a unique way to support our young people, sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Please join us for the kickoff event on Wednesday December 13th at 5:30 p.m. at the Promenade on Providence (10844 Providence Rd.) to be among the first to experience The Giving Machine in Charlotte!

The Giving Machine works like any vending machine only instead of purchasing a soda or bag of chips, you can ensure young people at The Relatives receive desperately needed items, such as socks, underwear, sheets, and work attire.

You can click here to learn more about The Giving Machine and see Relatives staff members discuss the needs facing our youth.

Can’t visit The Giving Machine? Click here to support young people experiencing crisis.


Join Us For Corporate Partners Day

As The Relatives gets ready for 2024, enriching and growing our network of corporate partners is a focus; To that end, we’re proud to announce our first-ever Corporate Partners Day!

Through a short program and tour, we hope to share how organizations can continue to support The Relatives by exploring new ways to deepen your organization’s connection and involvement with our programs.

Please email Casey Field to learn more and RSVP; and feel free to invite other business leaders you know to this event- all are welcome to join us and learn more about how your business or employer can support your being a Relative.