Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602

Walk with CeCe by giving your holiday party a purpose.

16 years ago, CeCe walked up to The Relatives door at 3:00 a.m. She had been abandoned by her abusive mother and was terrified. CeCe received the help she needed at the Youth Crisis Center and, today, walks with youth in crisis as The Relatives Runaway Prevention Specialist.

Walk with CeCe by inviting a member of The Relatives staff to speak at your holiday gathering and hear truly inspiring stories of hope about the transformational change The Relatives makes in the lives of vulnerable young people.

Give your holiday party a purpose by encouraging your guests to bring an item from our Holiday Wishlist.

This is a limited opportunity, so book soon by contacting Philanthropy Officer, Nick Stewart, at nstewart@therelatives.org.