Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602

Rooted For The Future

Every child needs to feel rooted for the future, to have their dreams nurtured, and their spirits tended. Too often, though, young people become uprooted by despair, rejection, and helplessness. They see their hopes wilt beneath the weight of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

At Breakfast with The Relatives, CeCe told you about the storms she weathered as a child and how The Relatives helped root her for the future. She described her abusive home and how she found herself – abandoned and afraid – outside The Relatives backdoor at 3:00 in the morning. And she shared her triumph with you as she came back to her roots at The Relatives to provide youth in crisis with the same transformational care she once received.

The Remarkable growth experienced by Cece, Seth, and Daniel can only be accomplished through the support of Relatives, like you.

There are thousands of youths and young adults who need your help to become rooted for the future.

Together we can give vulnerable young people the opportunity to take root and grow into healthy, productive, engaged members of our community.