Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602

What Is the Point in Time Count?

You can read all about the Point in Time Count, Charlotte-Mecklenburg’s way of capturing the number of people experiencing “literal homelessness” in the community. Read More.

How is The Relatives Involved?

The Relatives is supporting our Youth Action Board in their efforts to conduct a youth-led count. The 2022 Point-in-Time Count will spotlight the issue of youth homelessness. The YAB is made up of young people who have participated in The Relatives’ programs and have lived experience with homelessness. One of the YAB members, Dajhun, shares why she feels the youth-led approach is important in the latest Building Bridges Blog Post.

YAB Mission Statement

Make your voice heard, give your voice through numbers. Youth helping youth with a goal of keeping youth off the street. Through count we let our voice be heard showing that our lives still matter. Making sure no one is left uncounted or excluded from safe and stable housing. We’re counting everyone. Reach One, Teach One is an opportunity to inform youth about different stuff they can do- help them if they are homeless or prevent them from becoming homeless.

Where We’re Counting

Charlotte Transit Center/Courthouse – Friday, January 28th – all day
On Ramp Resource Center – 119 E 8th Street – Thursday, January 27th and Friday, January 28th – all day
Stuart Creek Elementary – Thursday, January 27th – all day
Commonwealth High School – Thursday, January 27th – all day

Resources Available from The Relatives

The Relatives offers a wide-array of services to help youth and young adults experiencing homelessness.
Youth Crisis Center: Provides a safe location for youth ages 7-17who need a safe place to stay because they have run away from home, are homeless, or are in transition under the care of the Department of Social Services. Crisis hotline: 704-377-0602
On Ramp Resource Center: On Ramp is a drop-in resource center for any young adult 16-24 years old who may need help making the successful evolution from youth to being an independent adult. Through case management and structured support, our resource center staff empowers young adults to find employment, education and housing opportunities. Call 704-501-8252