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ArtPop Muralists

We are so grateful to ArtPop Street Gallery for connecting us with the amazing artists creating murals for our new On Ramp Resource Center. Learn all about Art Pop’s Inspiration Projects here.

The Mural Ninjas are livening up the new lounge space with a colorful piece inspred by conversations with our young adults.

And a food-inspired mural in our new teaching kitchen.

Artist Darion Fleming is our outside space with a graffiti-inspired mural. Darion says, “The whole message behind this as well is that we’re all relatives, we’re all related – maybe not by blood or family but by our emotions, passions, goals, challenges, etc.”

None of this would be possible without the collaboration provided by the Lending Tree Foundation’s LendaHand Cohort. These murals will breathe life into the new space and inspire our young adults for many years to come.