Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602

Celebrate With The Relatives!

The past few weeks have been hectic at The Relatives as we’ve worked to best serve our community’s youth and young adults while moving our Resource Center to its new location on Freedom Dr. Anyone who’s ever endured a move knows how feelings of excitement and optimism can be tempered by to-do lists, adjustments, and last-minute details!

While there were times I wondered if this day would ever arrive, I am excited to announce the Resource Center has officially moved and we are settling into our new location. The Youth Crisis Center on East Blvd will continue to meet the immediate needs of youth ages 7-17, while the Resource Center has grown to offer more young adults, ages 16-24, a path to stability and independence.

The new Resource Center is truly a dream come true and I am grateful for your support during this journey. Please join me on May 25th for our Grand Opening celebration; you can RSVP for the event here. I am looking forward to celebrating our new space with you!

Thank you for being a Relative.

Trish Hobson                                                                                                                                                                                          Executive Director


Meet Our Newest Relative: Redia Baxter

The Relatives is thrilled to welcome Redia Baxter as our new Volunteer Engagement Officer. Redia brings a wealth of volunteer outreach and engagement experience from her previous roles at the Alzheimer’s Association, Western Carolina Chapter and Girl Scouts, Hornet’s Nest Council.

“I have heard so many wonderful things about the amazing volunteers who help serve the youth and young adults at The Relatives! I am looking forward to working with you!”

Would you like to learn more about volunteer opportunities at The Relatives? You can email Redia at rbaxter@therelatives.org or give her a call at 704-501-8258.


Needs List:

The Relatives is currently in need of grocery store gift cards. These gift cards allow the youth and young adults we serve to access nutritious food and basic necessities.

Gift Cards (Aldi, Walmart, Target & Food Lion)

Socks, Underwear & T-Shirts

African American Hair Care Products

Hygiene Products