Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602

The Relatives Family Update

Please ensure you scroll down to read all of the recent stories in this newsletter.

Many years ago, my kids had to write an “I have a dream” sentence as part of a school assignment for MLK day. My first-grade daughter wrote, “I have a dream…I want to be the ice cream man when I grow up.” I still love this!  She had a dream that wasn’t influenced by her socio-economic status, gender, or her parents’ aspirations. What a great way to honor Martin Luther King’s legacy. He wanted every young person to have the opportunity to dream without seeing barriers.

Thanks to you, The Relatives helps young people dream big and see those dreams become reality.

In the coming year, The Relatives will provide even more youth and young adults with what Martin Luther King referred to as “the sunlight of opportunity” when our new resource center opens this spring. Three times the number of young adults we currently serve will have access to relief, acceptance, and empowerment.

I appreciate you believing in the dream.  Thank you for being a Relative.

Trish Hobson
Executive Director

Our Dreams for 2022

We are dreaming big as we look forward to moving into our new On Ramp Resouce Center in the Spring. We asked some of our Youth Action Board members to share their dreams for the new space. Here’s what they had to say…

“More space is obviously the best thing, a bigger facility can accommodate more young adults.”

“The new building is going to be great. There is so much potential to reach even more people”

“I’m excited for all the room to do more!!!”

“Can’t wait to have a staff vs. young adults basketball game!”

Made a Resolution to Get More Involved?

We are always in need of volunteers. One of our biggest needs is dropping off meals – lunch to the On Ramp Resource Center and breakfast, lunch, or dinner to the Youth Crisis Center. Dreams and goals cannot be accomplished on an empty stomach. If you’re interested in cooking or dropping off a meal for our youth, contact Christina at cnunez@therelatives.org or 704-501-8258.

Looking for another way to get involved? You can always shop our Amazon Needs List.

You Made Dreams Come True for Youth in Crisis in 2021

As we bid farewell to 2021 and welcome 2022, The Relatives wants to thank you for being a part of our family.


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    For young people in crisis, The Relatives steps in where no one else can. With a 50-year history, The Relatives is unmatched in finding solutions for the countless challenges that confront the youth they serve. Supporting The Relatives means you are giving relief in place of despair, acceptance in place of rejection and empowerment in place of hopelessness

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