Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602

Create paths forward for youth in crisis!

Your gift makes a positive impact on the nearly 5,000 youth and young adults who rely on The Relatives to create a path out of crisis and into safety, stability, and independence. We are truly grateful for your support. Thank you for Being A Relative!

If you would like to make a payment on an existing pledge, please click here.

You can also send a check to:

2219 Freedom Drive
Charlotte, NC 28208

Or, make a stock donation to:

Alexander Youth Network
Broker: Luke Abernethy
Wells Fargo DTC Number: 0141
Account Number: 66993222
Note with Gift:  For The Relatives

Also, let your company increase your impact with a matching gift. Check this form to see if your company has a matching gift program:

Matching Gifts List