Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602

Charlotte Wine + Food has been a part of our Relatives family for the past 4 years. They typically host their main event in April, which benefits various organizations supporting children in our community. We have been fortunate to be involved and have received over $100,000 as a result of our partnership.

While they had to postpone 2020’s event until this Fall, they continued to support us by bringing in several meals so that our kids could enjoy some of Charlotte’s finest dining, and have provided gift cards to thank our staff for going above and beyond.

CW+F is finally ready to celebrate and has lots of wonderful events happening this week. Click here to learn how you can support The Relatives while enjoying food and wine. Even if you cannot attend an event this fall, whether in person or virtually, you can still get in on the action! Mark your calendars for Tuesday, October 13 and look out for their announcements regarding the preview and registration of the online auction where your bid helps The Relatives!

  • Support Us

    For young people in crisis, The Relatives steps in where no one else can. With a 50-year history, The Relatives is unmatched in finding solutions for the countless challenges that confront the youth they serve. Supporting The Relatives means you are giving relief in place of despair, acceptance in place of rejection and empowerment in place of hopelessness

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