Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602

The Relatives’ Family Update

Please ensure you scroll down to read all of the recent stories in this newsletter. If you would like to be added to our email distribution please email your information to development@therelatives.org.

Dear Relatives,

Thanks to the help of supporters like you, The Relatives has been able to provide young people with a reason to celebrate the holiday season for over 45 years. Whether it’s providing a safe place to stay during a not-so-happy holiday, or opening the door to a new apartment just in time to put up a tree.

Like everything else since March, though, this year’s holidays will look a bit different. One of our favorite traditions, Caroling With The Relatives, has been cancelled as visitors are still restricted on-site. We won’t be able to welcome work groups visiting during their lunch break to build gingerbread houses with our kids, or families handing out gifts to our young adults.

However, we’re not going to let COVID-19 stop us from providing a bright spot for the kids we serve. There are still multiple ways you can continue to Be A Relative to youth and young adults in crisis this holiday season.

We also want to be mindful of your time and attention over the coming hectic weeks. While you are a special part of The Relatives family, we know you have extra obligations and busy schedules this time of year. We’ll be taking a break from flooding your inbox until the new year.

See below for ways you can stay engaged during the holiday season and be on the lookout for your next newsletter in January!

Thank you for all the ways you’ve shown up for our kids and for reminding us we can all be a bright spot for youth in crisis.

Happy Holidays,



Trish Hobson
Executive Director


Make the Season Bright

There are so many ways you can uplift our young adults, during the holidays and beyond!
Reach out to Christina Nunez for more information on the items below and how you can make the holidays happy for our young people!

“Adopt” A Youth – There can be up to 6 kids, ages 7-17, staying at our Youth Crisis Center. During the holidays, youth in the Crisis Shelter work with the staff to create a Wish List for themselves. As you do your own holiday shopping, please consider shopping for one of our kids.

Collect/Donate items for the On Ramp Holiday Party – Every year we host a Holiday party for the young adults at our On Ramp Resource Center. We are happy to report that we will still celebrate with our young people on Dec. 18! Generous supporters provide a big lunch, and then our young adults get to “shop” for whatever items they want or need (but everything is free!). You can help stock our shop by purchasing items from our holiday wish list.

Drop Off a Meal/Have a Meal Delivered – Usually, our volunteers are able to come to the Crisis Center, cook a meal, and have dinner with our kids. This year, unfortunately, we are not able to have volunteers on-site. But, you can still drop off a meal or have one delivered to our door! And, this can be for either location. For our youth crisis center, we have up to 6 kids and 2 staff members, and for our On Ramp Resource Center, we have up to 10-15 young adults. You can help us nourish our young people this holiday season.


Your Gift Is The Key

So many of the young adults who seek empowerment in place of helplessness at The Relatives, question whether they can overcome the obstacles standing between themselves and a stable, secure future. Your support is key to unlocking their potential for a healthy, fulfilling life. Your generosity allows our young adults to dream of a place to call home. You can shed light on the path towards independence and change the trajectory of someone’s life by making a year-end gift.


You can help stop the cycle of poverty, despair and homelessness. Your gift is key to providing stable housing and real opportunities for young people as they walk out of crisis and into a secure future.


We Want to Hear From You!

No matter how you choose to engage with The Relatives, your support enables our young adults to forge a new path. We are so grateful to have you as part of The Relatives’ journey. We would love to hear from you and learn more about what your path to The Relatives looks like!

Please take a minute and share your thoughts with us through this short survey. The survey will close on Nov. 23 and we’ll be sharing results with you throughout the next calendar year.