Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602

The Relatives’ Family Update

Please ensure you scroll down to read all of the recent stories in this newsletter. If you would like to be added to our email distribution please email your information to development@therelatives.org.


Dear Relatives,

Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little; together, we can do so much.”

As we continue to forge a new path forward, I continue to be in awe of our community. When we come together, we are able to welcome and help people in a way we couldn’t as individuals. In a time that could easily be described as divisive, I have instead seen neighbors coming together to take care of each other,. It’s a refreshing aspect that is not often covered on the front page.

Our supporters amaze me with their generosity. So many of you have responded to share your own story of how life has changed for you. And yet, in the midst of all of this, you choose to give. Whether it’s the countless cleaning supplies (which we can never have enough of!), or the Doordash deliveries that ensure our kids have dinner, you all have proven that we can lean on our community even in the most challenging times.

Below are just a few of the many, many Relatives who have embraced our community and helped our youth and young adults through this crisis. We’d like to thank each of you for being a ray of light during a dark time.

Together, we can move forward and create a brighter future.



Trish Hobson
Executive Director

Nourishing Our Family

We have always been lucky to be able to depend on our volunteers to provide three square meals to our youth and young adults. That hasn’t stopped with COVID-19.

Charlotte Wine + Food organized a special meal program to deliver meals to the populations served by each of their charity partners. The program has created an avenue for CW+F to continue supporting both their impacted restaurant partners and charity partners, particularly during this difficult time. CW+F has provided over 100 meals to The Relatives, helping us assist those in need.

Feeding Charlotte had been at working hard to build and leverage community partnerships when this crisis hit. Because of that, they have been able to help feed hungry neighbors AND support local food service businesses. We have been able to pick up food from various catering companies at least once a week in the past months.

Your Custom Catering has been bringing lunch to our On Ramp resource center nearly every day since March 16, and our regular volunteers have also stayed committed to their service. Even though they can’t be on-site, they have made sure meals our delivered in their absence, or have provided gift cards.

Thanks to all of you for making sure our kids don’t need to worry about their next meal!


Protecting Our Community

Staying safe during this pandemic can be a challenge. Fortunately, many of you have gone out of your way and even sacrificed some of your own supplies to keep us healthy.

The Carolina Mask Project seeks to connect artists and makers with local frontline workers to help provide alternative PPE options with sewn and 3D printed items. They collected over 100 masks for our organization alone. Click here for the full list of amazing volunteers/business owners who made the donated masks.

#CLTgivePPE is another grassroots movement in Charlotte created to support frontline healthcare workers. They graciously donated 100 masks to our organization.

Myers Park United Methodist Church dropped off gloves, bleach, and other cleaning supplies from their closet that they weren’t using.

We are so grateful to all of you for wrapping your arms around our youth, even if you can’t physically!


Youth Helping Youth

It has been so inspiring to see young adults reaching out and helping their peers.

Aid First, Inc. is a youth-led organization that’s dedicated to providing first-aid materials to people who need them most in our community. They initiated Project COVID Response to specifically help gather the items shelters and hospitals are short on, including The Relatives.

Giancarlo, also known as Blazendary, is using his social media platform to spread our mission. He and his friends made a donation drop-off at our crisis center, making sure that we were stocked with essential items like clothing and snacks.

A young adult from East Mecklenburg High School prepared 150 survival kits, including soap and lotion.

We have seen such great examples of how the next generation is stepping up to lend a hand.


Be a Part of our Community

All small actions lead to life-changing results when we come together! Our COVID-19 needs remain ongoing. You can help us continue to serve youth and young adults safely by contributing items from our needs list.

Operating funds are also vital to helping us sustain our programs long-term.

Click here to make a donation and Be A Relative!