Crisis Hotline(704) 377-0602

Additional Services

The Relatives staff is pretty good at counseling (we went to school for it) and we’ll do that with you, and with your family if they want to. We don’t have all the answers though, so we really specialize in what’s called “referral services.” That means we know everybody and can help match you and your family up with the right people to deal with just about any problem.

We also have what we call “after care.” That’s where we call you up after you leave to find out how things are going, or make an appointment to talk with you and your family after you leave if you think that’s helpful.

The Relatives offers parenting classes using the “Love and Logic” parenting method. If we think Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Grandma or Sis could use a little help, we might suggest that they consider our classes.

We like to think that we’re going the extra mile to keep you from coming back!